Protecting drinking water extraction
Drinking water company Dunea produces 76 million m3 of drinking water annually for 1.3 million customers in the western part of South Holland. Dunea welcome approximately 1 million recreational users to the dunes between Monster and Katwijk every year. Dunea manage this beautiful nature and protect drinking water extraction.

Natural filter for the water
The dunes act as a natural filter for the water. Additional river water is supplied from the Afgedamde Maas via a transport pipeline. There is a pumping station in Bergambacht for this purpose, which pre-purifies the river water and then pumps it through to the dune area. Two more pumping stations are located in the dune area. The main pipeline network is 4,330 kilometres long. Dunea also manages and protects the dune area between Katwijk and Monster. Over a million recreationists visit the dune area each year. The 17 municipalities in the area are the shareholders.
Easier and faster information that is instantly available
Dunea had been working with Ultimo in the past, but with the implementation of a new ERP system around 2015, the drinking water company decided to also accommodate the maintenance and management processes in the ERP system. That didn't turn out as hoped, according Ruud Smits, product owner at Dunea.
"The maintenance regime of a valve or pump, for example, depends on its location and function in the field. That determines when to do what. The ERP system could not handle that differentiation. In Ultimo, though, you can manage that just fine."
To open up the documents and images stored within Ultimo to the entire organization, a link was made to the Sharepoint platform. Every night, an automated process runs in the background for this purpose. "To that we add a second source, which is the Technical Drawings database.
Together that makes searching for information much easier and faster, and makes all the information instantly available." Ultimo data also feed automated KPI reports, making "hassles" with Excel files a thing of the past. "The data is always up to date and helps us manage better."

Working on the go
Dunea also works with the app Ultimo GO. They use Ultimo GO+ for locations in the dunes without an Internet connection. "Mobile working was new to Dunea so user acceptance was very important for that. From the beginning, we involved key users through user stories. What are the minimum requirements from the mechanics? We reviewed those and tested the mobile tools on them. We did a lot of sessions with the mechanics. This creates support. What also helps is that Ultimo is written from the perspective of technology and the user.

Significantly improving the hands-on tool time.
“That makes it easy to implement and work with; we were able to cover more than 80 percent of the user stories within the existing Ultimo applications. And Ultimo is so flexible that we could easily configure the remaining 20 percent without the need for custom solutions. Thanks to mobile working, we save a lot of time. All work orders are readily available, no paperwork needs to be handled in advance or afterwards, information retrieval is faster and communication is better. This has significantly improved the hands-on tool time.”
Dunea download
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