Effective communication
Many factors underly this natural tendency to work alongside – instead of with – each other. Departments have their own goals and targets to meet. Operations tend to focus on running the equipment and meeting their daily targets. Maintenance in turn is concerned with equipment uptime, availability and reliability. Health and safety specialists are pushing for a safe working environment, yet sometimes overlook how their actions can impact the day-to-day operations.
From the operations perspective, this could lead to a ‘we use, you fix’ mindset towards the maintenance colleagues. At the same time, maintenance can grow increasingly agitated with the frequency at which machines are run to fail, in turn giving way to a culture of finger-pointing and blaming, rather than one of mutual trust and respect. According to the 2023 IFS EAM trend report, uptime is the single most important KPI for asset managers in the industrial sector. Notably, one of the biggest risks to uptime is a lack of communication.
Effective communication ensures that everyone in the organization is aligned and attuned to the same goal and business objectives. An auspicious asset management strategy is enabled through a combination of effective communication, planning and coordination.
The power of IFS Ultimo
One of the prime ways of going about achieving this is by centralizing all relevant data in a single source of truth platform. IFS Ultimo’s best-of-breed EAM system is supremely suited to facilitate this transition. It is specifically designed to collect, share and analyze data in a central place. All relevant stakeholders gain access to valuable insights, so that informed decisions can be made based on quantifiable data.
Because IFS Ultimo is fully functional on mobile and handheld devices, the data is instantly accessible anywhere, at any time. Knowledge and best practices are secured, documentation, planning and checklists accounted for and made widely available throughout the company.
Using the IFS Ultimo platform, all team members from operations, maintenance and health and safety are offered a toolkit that empowers working together seamlessly and effectively. A unified effort towards maximizing uptime, minimizing administrative burden and creating a safe and enjoyable working environment.
The future of collaboration
Looking towards the future, it is to be expected that the Circle of Collaboration will be enriched to further empower relevant colleagues from other departments, such as the IT department and reliability professionals. As industrial environments are growing increasingly smarter and more interconnected, the Circle will evolve to enable more extensive data analytics and root cause analysis.
IFS Ultimo offers a commitment to continuous improvement, paired with a comprehensive suite of functionalities to centralize, access and share data. This empowers teams to break down barriers and work together more effectively.
IFS Ultimo is a critical strategic partner in driving your organization to greater collaboration, higher levels of efficiency and increased safety. Integrating the tried and tested Circle of Collaboration helps you achieve higher asset performance, cost reduction and an overall more congenial workplace. IFS Ultimo is revolutionizing the way you work together. Are you looking to enhance asset management, reduce downtime and increase safety in the workplace? IFS Ultimo is ready to leapfrog your journey towards operational excellence.