Incoming information
All data an organisation collects and receives is registered, however, often many different information systems are used. Registration is absolutely necessary; but, because it is often done by different departments, different people and in different ways, it is not easy to get and to keep an overview. Take for instance maintenance managers: their information is submitted by the warehouse, the planning and production departments, and the technical service department. And if assets are smart they also get information from the sensors.
Uniform processing
The first step to make all data available in a well-ordered manner is to use a central information system, a so-called Computerized Maintenance Management System or CMMS, whenever you can. An CMMS can be used by all departments to record particulars important to them. This information can easily be retrieved by all and double registration is avoided. It is also important to consider what processes are used that do not use the CMMS as integration with the Computerized Maintenance Management System may well be possible.
Environment, Health & Safety (EHS)
If you can incorporate all your maintenance information in your CMMS, why not also the data of your EHS processes, instead of using the separate software package that you would normally use?
Consider a report of a near-miss or incident. The registration is submitted to the safety officer, who will see to it that all necessary action is taken and the registration is completed correctly. A registration is rather complex, because the organisation has to meet all safety requirements. You have to consider the personal injuries when someone almost gets his hand stuck in one of the machines in a production line but the machine almost certainly requires repair work as well.
In an CMMS with integrated EHS processes there are fewer actions to be taken for reporting and registration of the near-miss or incident. The registration for these reports is easier because a large part of the information can be retrieved directly from the system. After all, the maintenance history of the equipment is already known. Also, earlier near-misses and incidents can easily be found in the system.
Smart and safe!
The fewer systems you use for registration the more uniformity and efficiency. Very smart indeed! If you want to learn how to work smart and at the same time improve the safety of your working environment you can download the white paper ‘The integration of EHS in a Maintenance Management System’.