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Geographic Information System (GIS)

How can you easily monitor the status of your area? And what connections do these objects have exactly? Use the interface between Ultimo and ArcGis by Esri to visualise your data.


Mapping your data with the ArcGis interface

Meet your biggest challenge: managing your area in a financially and socially acceptable manner. With the best possible availability and reliability. For both short term and long term. Combine data in Ultimo with your geo-administrative data and discover the connection between the objects.

If you map your Ultimo data you can immediately see:

  • Where your assets are.
  • Where work is being performed or where it is planned.
  • How you can plan activities more efficiently.
  • What the maintenance condition of your area is.
Vi står till din tjänst
Freddy Vos VP International Sales
+31 341 42 37 37

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